Hey all!
I just want to fill you in on my year! It has been a while since I really updated.
Things are going well at school. I still have the same classes, but that isn't as boring as I thought it would be. :) Mostly because I am actually understanding most of what is going on. There are only a couple classes that I can't do well in: German (They are reading poems from the baroque period...) Info (computer programming) Catholic Religion (I am not catholic...) and History ( I am only there for one hour, because I have a German course). Other than that I am doing pretty well. I mean, as well as I can without studying 10 hours a day. Doing homework takes a lot more time here, because I have to think a lot more about what I want to write due to it being in German.
The weather is finally getting warmer! Today the sun is shining and the snow is almost all melted! AH! Which means it is almost time for my Europe Tour! I am super excited for it. I hope that the other exchange students take all of the tours seriously on our trip. I am really excited for the museums and all the sights we are going to get to see. :) I leave on the 23rd of Marcha and get back on the 11th of April. It is going to be a REALLY long bus trip, but luckily I have a really nice friend that will spend the trip with me. And we will probably hate each other by the end, haha. :)
I am really getting to the point where I don't feel like a stranger, as well. It is beginning to be really normal for me here. That might sound weird, because I have already been here for so long and I thought I was doing really well here before, but it is just getting better and more natural to be here. I am going to be really sad when I go home and have to speak English all the time!!
In some ways, exchange is kind of like Stockholm Syndrome. You put a kid through enough stress and cut them off from their surroundings and they start to like the person who did it/the place where they are. :)
Other than that, there isn't too much new. Or, actually, there is too much to even know where to start!
I will make sure to update after the Europe trip with all the photos and such! :D
Beth Macnab