A look at my life abroad over the 2012-2013 school year!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Little Information About Daily Life!

So, I haven't been here for long, but I would like to tell you a little about each day, if anyone would find that interesting. Haha. Each day here is similar. My host family likes a schedule, I think. :) In a good way! When my host-mom works, I get up whenever I want, unfortunately. I feel bad if I get up too late! The first full day, I got up at 7:00, because I didn't know when to get up. The second day, 9:15, which was a good time. But today, oh boy..., I got up at 10:45! My little host sister sagt, "Es ist nicht schlimm." aber ich denke es ist! I felt kind of bad. And each morning we have Frühstuck (breakfast). This always consists of Brötchen und Brot, Nutella! :D, und Kaffee und Tee. But I got up so late this morning I didn't want to spoil Mittagessen! So I had kein Frühstuck.
Then we have a chore, or free time. Sometimes I help my host-mom with whatever she is doing. She never makes me do anything, and I think she would let me sleep in bed all day if I wanted, but I would feel bad if I did. But today I helped my younger host sister with her newspaper route! (Zeitung is newspaper auf Deutsch!). It was so cool! When I was going through orientation, exchange students always said to say YES! to every opportunity, and I now see why. If I would have said no, to helping my younger sister with her newspaper route I wouldn't have seen the beautiful houses and landscape of Patersberg. And I wouldn't have learned so many new words! Briefkasten is mailbox, and their word for voicemail is like mailbox, but I don't know how it is spelled. :) Also, they have really cool mailboxes. Some are hidden in the hedges and some are like the American ones, but only rarely.
And after that I tried to help my familie with getting ready for a party they are having for Christian and I. More for Christian as he is leaving in 5 days, but it is a good opportunity for me to meet people! So, I tried to help, but it didn't work out very well. They all know what they are doing and I don't. Haha. But I tried! Ich versuche immer!
Then we had lunch. Usually that is the big meal but today is the party so it is flipped around! For lunch today, and for dinner usually, we had Brötchen again, buns, and Brot, bread, mit cheese and wurst (usually a summer sausage and a pork kind I think!), and a vegetable usually. We always have the same thing, which I like (luckily! haha).
A note on the vegetables. We have many many vegetables, but they are always from their garden. They are awesome! Yesterday I helped my host-mom trim and cut green beans (Beans are Bohnen. A bean is eine Bohne.) And there were so many! But she said they had 3 times as much last week! They can them and store them for winter. Anyhow, they use so much from their garden, it is great! And the eggs are always from their neighbor. So, anyway, where was I?.. Oh, yeah! Lunch. So after lunch we just do whatever we want. Usually I do this, update my blog, and check Facebook, although only briefly, I try not to use the computer so much. I like spending time with my family. And then we do something, play cards, chess, or this cool finnish game.
Then Karl, my host-dad, comes home and we have coffee and cake. It is so bad. I eat too much cake! They always have such good cake, and I try not to eat it, but... I can't help it. :) So, after that we do more things, then is dinner, the light meal. With the bread and cheese and such. I will try and take pictures of a meal sometime!
After dinner we usually watch the olympics. And obviously this channel focuses only on the German athletes. They are doing pretty well! I am able to understand a bit of what the telecasters are saying. It helps to have to figure out what my host-mom is saying all the time. My host sister sometimes has to step in and translate, but I like the games of charades we have. :) It is a good way to learn. I find that when I look up a word in my dictionary, I don't remember it as well as when someone tells me it. I am definitely a learner by hearing, not sight. Well, after the olympics I go up to bed! Ich bin immer müde. My jet lag is not at all good. It still feels like America's time. If anyone has any tips, I am open to them!!! Danke!

Beth Macnab!

P.S. I have so much to talk about, but I am trying to spread out my posts!

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