A look at my life abroad over the 2012-2013 school year!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


So, I have quite a bit to talk about, but I will break it up throughout the next couple of days to not bore you or blab on and on!

So, recently, it has gotten weirder and weirder to speak in English. Especially in school, I feel like English is forbidden there! :) (Except in english class, which is awesome, by the way).
Secondly, I think that I won't be able to take French class here. D: It is just so much harder. Not only is the material more difficult, but I am also constantly translating the French to German, and vice-versa with English thrown in there to balance it out. It isn't going to work out. Yikes.

But, onto happier things! More interesting differences here. Not better or worse, just different. :) They are so interesting!
1) Their pens are different. Stupid to say, I know, but a lot of kids here use fountain pens. Like this:

I don't know if I didn't notice it before, but I have never seen a student use a fountain pen in the States, so that is interesting!

2)GREAT FOOD. Their food is awesome! My host mom is a wonderful cook, but they also have great food options. Plus a lot of it is out of their garden, as well. Here is what we had for lunch today:

Potato Cakes with potatoes and onions from the garden!

 Homemade Applesauce
Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream! :D

On that note, lunch is also the larger meal. For dinner we eat a lot of bread, meat, and cheese. It is really good, but I am eating SO much bread here! So good, but so bad for me. :)

3) Everyone in my class is so interested and engaged in the topic. Everyone tries really hard and the classes are quite difficult. I haven't seen any slackers in any of my classes. 

4)There are a lot of exchange students! Not that come here :( but from this school that went to the US or other countries (but mostly the US). I have met 5 already, and my school is really small!

5) School here is more like college. We don't have the same classes everyday, and sometimes people have free periods where they can go/do whatever they want. And classes (for the most part) are lectures.

6) At this school, and most schools in Germany, there is no lunch served here. You go home for lunch, usually after all of your classes. Right now, I have 6 classes from 7:45 to 12:45, and then I go home for the day. But when you are in 11th and 12th grade, you have 55 minutes for lunch, then you come back to school for music or sport class. But I don't think I will have to do that! Woohoo!

7) Everyone is REALLY neat, organized, and has great handwriting. It is crazy. And their paper is like graph paper so they can be more precise! But the teachers have horrible handwriting, so I can never understand what they are writing... 

Okay, I think that is enough for now. More tomorrow!



  1. Really? They still use fountain pens? Because almost all people(and pupils) I know from the WHG and from other schools are using ballpoint pens.. but I could be wrong :b

  2. I would say that the majority uses ballpoint pens or the like. But then again, I haven't asked everyone their writing utensil preferences. Yet. :) I SHOULD have said, that a lot MORE people use fountain pens (than I am used to). Where I am from, no one under the age of 40 uses them (again, only that I have seen). So it was kind of cool to see! In fact, I got myself one. Haha.
